Friday, 9 April 2021

Unusual situations call for special measures for the UK to Pakistan cargo

 Whether it is cargo or passengers every country is taking cautions for safety

Pakistan is one of those countries that has a proper plan to control and reduce the spread of COVID. This is a life-threatening disease and if not handled properly things get out of control very fast.

So in such a situation, everyone around the world has to play its role to avoid further transmission. The UK is one of the worst struck countries and has to take strict measures in every field to make people follow the new requirements. Cargo to Pakistan from UK is also affected due to this whole issue and both countries have restricted flight operations between borders.

In such a situation things have become very difficult. But there is still sea mode present through which cargo can travel so one should not worry. Yes, it will take a bit more time to get the cargo but it is the need of time. From the UK everything is sent by proper sanitization as due to the high rate of Covid there is always a threat of travelling with the virus.

Also through proper checks, the shipment reaches its destination in Pakistan so that there are no doubts present any more. With proper steps taken from both sides, the path to trade or other cargo exchange is kept smooth even in this tough situation.

Soaring shipping rates

The rates change and this is not restricted to cargo transport only many goods have increased rates as this pandemic has taken place. There is also hype in the prices of shipping. At the start, the goods were less supplied in the international market and hence there was less number of imported goods.

People started to order less and trade was also closed due to lockdown. Ports were closed whether it be sea or air. Now the situation has become better. But recently the UK has closed air operation with Pakistan and things will again come to a halt here if the situation remains like this.

The present situation is that the demand is high and the time is taken to get to the destination increased. The delay happens when a port introduces new quarantine measures. To pass the SOP protocol is another procedure that takes time. So all this and some other factors have also increased shipping cost in Covid

The real thing is that the pandemic has changed a lot of things around the world and trade is one of those. When this all is going to get normal no one knows but the new world is going to be different for sure.

Crew members are not the priority for vaccination

For one reason or another, the crew members of the ships as well as airlines are ignored for vaccination. These crew members travel to many different lands and are more prone to catch the virus. Many of these crew members come from those countries that are declared red zones.

These workers are already leaving the job and this has led to a shortage of professionals on board. A bit sooner or later they have to be declared sensitive as they are also in danger and work on the front line. Some crew members are also sent to isolation due to symptoms and this reduces their number. 

Until unless majority get the vaccination injected the situation is going to be the same. Cargo to Pakistan is not a problem when it is from the UK but the present situation has made things difficult for every country especially those countries that are worst struck. Emotionally and financially people are suffering.

Everything is still not lost

With all the debate one may think that the business is going at a loss, it is not actually. Online ordering has increased and self-reliance is increasing which is a good thing. If local cargo operators have local employees many things are easy to handle.

Also, air cargo has improved the loss of passenger money when flight operations are seized due to increased cases. The balance is created by cargo transfer. Workers are going but new is there. Yes, the protocols have changed but these are important to save lives and each and every life is worth saving. When we talk about balance, it is created by each and every member of society.

When any one of the professionals stops working the whole industry stops working. People are still in problem but there are things that can be thought about to relieve mental stress. To reach out to your loved ones is still possible and the cargo companies are doing a great thing while operating in the worst conditions.

There is hope in every situation

The present decision about putting Pakistan on the red list is still in discussion. If sorted out cargo and other flight operations are going to commence as usual. And the point is valid that even in its worst times Pakistan has not left the UK alone and keep flights closed.

Cargo to Pakistan from the UK is important as there is a large number of people from Pakistan residing there. Also, the condition in Pakistan is not as worse as in the UK so a healthy connection in form of sending gifts or other cargo must not be stopped.

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